
Changing pace and switchin between plugs

Someday I will say that this is how it all started. 😀
I will not make suggestions on how it might end, because nobody knows, but what I know is that this photo has a lot to say 😀 Especially the piece of paper -> That’s how we started on 2 sep 2010 😀

The next one today is …

a typical danish evening ( but when it does not rain 😛 ) Very, very beautiful.
I love this view when I have been working indoors aaaaaall day long and I’m already sick of everything around me. Makes me feel really free and not giving a fuck about small things in life, cuz they look negligible compared to this view. It looks even better when you see it live.

The air is calm and fresh, no noise, no sound at all,
it’s just you and the street that hit the inside to evolve the love of all…

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