
Physical & Soul Shape

For a long time now I was not happy with my beer belly, it’s cute but it’s too heavy to carry. So I’m doing something about it 🙂

For more than a week I’ve been following an exercise program that I planned with an application on my Android phone, called CardioTrainer. It is a great app that helped me a lot on planning the exercises and during them. 

I do a lot of jogging lately and CardioTrainer is great for that, because using the GPS chip in my phone the app speaks my speed in my earphones while jogging, so I can speed up if needed or keep running with the same speed.
Another cool thing that I found these days is Google Health. It has amazing features. You can find more about it here. CardioTrainter posts my workout results on my Google Health profile as well, and make some nice charts on how I’m doing.
Along with CardioTrainer I use Calorific for “counting calories”. I put “counting calories” in quotation marks because it is not actually counting. It is more of a tracking on what type of food do you eat and how much. Therefore, when you see what you have eaten the past few days, you start to eat less and eat more green food (see the help for Calorific for more information).
I signed up at and I’m going to start visiting that fitness regularly since I put so significant amount of money there. 😛 Also it is in the same building with my Danish lessons – I hope that is also going to help me be more responsible attendant.
Of course I can’t stop there – between jogging days I do exercises from Tony Horton’s P90X program, like Yoga X, Ab Ripper X, Kenpo X, Shoulders & Arms.
It’s been pretty crazy these weeks – my schedule is completely full, but I like it because I feel really great. Exercising and jogging really keeps me away from bad mood. Also helps me concentrate better on the things I work on because when I jog i don’t think of anything an my brain is resting (working in background :P) while my body sweats like hell.
I had a bet with my father that I will loose 10-15 kilos from my current weight (95 back then) till I go back home for the winter holidays. So far I’m almost 90 kilos for a week and a half.
don’t forget to BRING IT!

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