Blog Health

A mix of cranky and not-so-bad with ice

The Cranky

Seriously, for the past few weeks I had only a few good mornings where I would wake up and not feel like I’ve been hit by a train. Even Sunday morning I felt like I was digging wholes all night, with the only exception that perhaps the hard soil this time was maybe marshmallows. Still a lot of digging, but not so much pain in the shoulders and back.

Main pain – shoulders and neck. My neck is fucking killing me every morning. I changed 2 different types of pillows and trying also without a pillow – success would be bellow zero, as in this case it would actually make things worse.

It would take me 1.5h to get out of bed in the morning. I do wake up at 6am and then it takes me so long to find energy and courage to start the day that in the end I find myself almost late for work… It really isn’t the best and if anything – it’s getting worse.

The not-so-bad

Well, work was sort of fine today. It’s work. I can’t let it affect me too much, right?

On the way home, biking in the cold, I felt so energies by the rock music in my ears that I was so convinced I will exercise this afternoon, I will go running or do yoga, that I found myself speeding up a lot! Again, as usual, this didn’t happen entirely. Something much better happened!

It’s Asana practice time!

My roommate wanted to do push-ups and I decided to battle him. All of a sudden I find myself explaining how to do a chaturanga, upward dawg (yeah, dawg :D) and then downward dog. Ok. we pulled out another mat and I started teaching him Ashtanga. Suria Namaskara A, B and standing poses. Couldn’t go far into the sequence but it was awesome to teach it! If I stop I would forget it! That’s for sure now. Maybe it all took no more than 40 minutes, if not less.

Maybe I should start teaching him first!!!

The Ice

It’s the ice cold shower I used to take after every regular shower. I used to do it all the time but I think I’ve forgotten about it after India. It’s the freakin best! I simply need it! Maybe I should try swimming in the sea sometime soon – should be freaking insane, so I should do it!!

And more, there’s always more…


I think I will join the next Copenhagen Marathon 2016 and run the freakin 42km. That’s sick, so Why not!

I am gonna start running anyway – cuz I just love it! Why not start training for something really awesome. I’ve never done that – train for a competition (with yourself). It’s like the best competition ever and also there’s tons of people to measure it 😀


The Copenhell 2016 ticket pass arrived in the mail the other day – can’t wait to rock the fuckin place end of June with this Line Up.


Cooked amazing risotto with more broccoli than usual! The salad I made on the side was also exquisite! lots of green, red and yellow colors. Not only pleasant to the ice, but very much to the taste buds.


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