
Sunday – time to reevaluate!

Another week has passed and it’s just anoter week that had it all. Ups and downs, lefts and rights.

The post I wrote some time ago about Focus, happened to be written on one of the Ups, during the week. However, keeping that in order and following my routine is in fact very hard.

I believe I have 2 main obstacles here that arise in different times during the process:


Spending too much time on the thinking and not the doing. I have a friend who kept saying

You gotta do what you gotta do if you wanna obtain what you wanna obtain.

I think it is a quote from anime series and it really is spot on. You need to get to the doing, before you start wasting time. Planning is good, but it’s very easy to overplan and waste unecessary time in predicting outcomes.

Lost motivation

I expect too much of myself. This is an instant motivation killer. After so many months of practise, it is still hard not to. I didn’t use to be like this all the time. Things started getting more complicated the more I started observing myself. Question everything, doubt everything.

Now I sometimes do a sloppy job, because of lost motivation. This is not following the #justdoit philosophy anymore. Instead of being excited by self assigned tasks, it’s become a burden. Even though I am able to practise #justdoit 90% of the times, those 10% bring me down a lot, when I fail to execute what I wanted.

Solution: Shut up and #justdoit when you can. There’s no other way. I love what Lesley Fightmaster says in her YouTube videos. She’s quoting a teacher of hers I believe when she says:

Practise and all is coming. You practise long time. Not weeks, months, years, but loooong time. And all is coming.

This is the absolute truth and solution. Practise without attachment and without need for results. Practise because of the practice itself and the inner connection with yourself while practising.

This eliminiates the problem of skipping as well. If you do skip a practice, it’s gone. Get over it. It cannot be compensated for. What you can do, however, is to realize this time is in fact never coming back. It’s not in the present anymore. It’s in the present where you can make changes and make choices. This is in fact motivating! It is what should keep you doing the right choices for yourself, rather than complaining about past moments.

This is something I knew of course, however, I needed to write it down to realize it once again. Talking to myself in a clearer way.

Enough writing for today. I’ve reevaluated and remembered a few things about myself. It’s been a good day.

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