Short Stories

Recipe for happiness

Good morning everyone this is me – Crazy and you are listening to radio CrazyTalk FM 66.66Mhz. “The world is crazy – so are you!”

Today’s topic is “Is there a recipe for happiness, or in other words what do frogs like to take for their hangovers?”.
Oh, we have our first listener on the phone for today, Crazy Morning everybody!
OOOk, people are quite crazy these days, but so are we… let’s listen to our friend has to say:
Fair enough, I see your point mister, thank you for your call – I wish you all the insanity. Crazy day. Alright everybody we have a music pause. We’ll be right back after the crazy commercials:
AAllright this is UHUUU crazy for this crazy morning. Our topic of the day is “Is there a recipe for happiness, or in other words what do frogs like to take for their hangovers?” Now let’s hear our next crazy listener this morning, what does he or she has to say. Crazy morning:
– “Mmm, hi Crazy, you see… there’s the thing… Happiness can be achieved in many different ways, but using any kind of alcoholic beverages and drugs you will almost always end up bad… I think the pure happiness is when people make each other happy – not sitting on a table and everybody trying to make themselves happy with a drink or two. A small meaningful present is more than enough to make a person that cares – happy. “
Ooook man, you woke up early this morning, I guess.
– “Ou, about the frogs: dude the frogs are pretty decent wild animals but when they drink – they just die, they don’t even get to the hangover. Crazy day!”
Ok, that was crazy enough, lets continue with our next crazy listener….

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