Monday, no need to say I came home at around 10pm. Still on such a damn spree that I managed to write the previous post.
Today, almost fell asleep again, while I was waiting for my phone to charge after work. But I went for it – I went out running for 30 mins. I never regret it! I would say I am pushing it, but it has to be pushed if I want it done.
The plan for tomorrow is to go play basketball again with sauna after that and Friday morning to go either running in the morning ( since the weather is perfect in Copenhagen this week ) or to the gym to sweat some fat off.
That’s a thing I really effing want to do. And I am sure I can do, it’s been years now and now I am doing it. This writing also get me inspired a little and confident. I never believed I can, it sounded like a fairy tale and I closed my mind for it. But omg if I do this I will know I can do anything I want. RAWRR. It will train my will even more. Cuz, you know, I’m a Leo, I want and I want and I want and then want some more while chilling 🙂 Things gotta get done.
I am in a bit of a contradiction with myself at the moment about my inspiration. It is because of the book I am reading. Or maybe it is just me not understanding it properly. If I surrender to the Now (this may sound strange cuz surrender is not “accepting a defeat” in this case) it is to accept “what is” and move forward. This makes it so much easier to fulfill a goal. “I know i’m sleepy, I stop complaining and resisting it, I can go running, so I am doing it” No further thoughts. I want it now because I want the result. All I’m doing is now. Not sitting complaining and day-dreaming about “how I will start tomorrow”. There, I cleared the inner contradiction 🙂 If you don’t get the previous, you probably want to read “The Power of Now”. Google it, I am too lazy to give links.
The more I write, the more things appear to be important to be written. Very well. It is time to finish that book now and go to bed. I have to get up at 6am and push the START!