
I would call it a breakthrough!

For a year I think I changed a lot. I changed in a way to be senseless. Looking back and remembering all the things that happened… just make me think that EITHER I’m not in love anymore OR I’ve just grew up as a senseless bastard. By senseless I think I mean emotionless.

(think) But of course I laugh when it is funny and wake up in a good mood. So that can’t be a considered as emotionless, can it?
Hmm.. I think I just like what I am right now and the big load of love , child love, is gone. And now only strong feelings are left, that’s why. I feel confident.
I believe in myself and I believe what I can do and what I want to achieve and I know I’ll do it.
There is no doubt. There are no bad feelings. No anger.
Confidence and wild instincts.
Like a hungry beast chasing his prayer knowing he will eat plentiful.
I like that feeling and I’m glad I passed all those discomforting moment and thoughts.

There is no place for sadness in a big world like this, living such a short life.

One reply on “I would call it a breakthrough!”

Кво пък ти пука?
За кво ли ти пука?
А що не ти пука?
И днес ли е скука?
За кво да ти пука..
За кво не ти пука?!?
Защо ли сме тука?
Едва ли ни пука!
Не виждаш пролука?
Нима се пропука?
Защо не блещука..
Каква злополука..
Нима сме дотука?
Разчиствай боклука и да не ти пука

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