
3 days @ home can topple a bear!

Oouchh – I’m in soooo much pain!!!!!! AEF:LAKNGOE

C’mooon. I hate being sick, why the hell is everybody ill these days? Arghhhh.

Totally hate this SH*T!!!

I stay at home, trying to do something and I can’t. I feel so god damn useless, like never before. WTF!?
The damn SH*T is that I wanted to do a lot during the weekend. yeah . I had plans. And what? Noffin.
The weekend is over, another week starts, and I just lost 3 days of my life in lying in bed. stupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid.
The worst is that I have fever and I can’t concentrate in anything. :@
Can’t work, can’t study, can’t party. Even can’t watch a movie normally!!!
Weather’s bad, I haven’t left the house for 3 days. yeah i already said that.

I wanted to see some people these days, have some fun. wtf :@
And prepare some paperwork for Tuesday… Noffin.. crap.

I gotta relax and find a good movie or smth . idk. i can’t do anything. I’ve been trying. and the only thing that i can do for sure and don’t get mad at it is writing here.
I’m sick and tired of everything around me :@:@:@:@


This fuck*n house that everybody is up to his own sh*t. That makes me even more nervous. I don’t complain that much to them. I try not to do that cuz it’s annoying. that’s why i do it here. If you want – you read it!
But those bitches just won’t stop! Ever! :@

Tried with relaxin music, tried with nice movies – nope, no effect.
I wanted to see one person these days, i couldn’t. Could that be the problem?

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