

I finally found some time and inspiration to drop a few lines here.


Times goes by really fast so I would like to wrap it up what was going on for the past…. well, the past few months I guess, I have no idea how long it has been since I last posted anything.

So I recently came back from my vacation in Barcelona, visiting my uncle. I already saw a lot from the tourist part of this enchanting city, so this time I had some good time relaxing, reading a book on my new Kindle Paperwhite, which is fantastic btw!, some gym, sauna and most of all enjoying the time with my uncle. He’s awesome and we really hit it off, spending a lot of time together, telling stories and basically getting to know each other better, since he’s been abroad most of his life.

Here we go with some photos of us, minding our own business:

I also tried this “awesome” thing with fish chewing on your feet, creeping the hell out me for the 5 minutes I had my feet in the aquarium. Didn’t feel any better after that, I guess it some kind of scam 😀 I haven’t even googled that yet.
Some tapas of course with jamon and octopus.

After I spent 10 hours at the Zurich Airport, reading and just enjoying what’s happening around 🙂 I found myself back in sunny Copenhagen. Yes! Sunny Copenhagen! I had no time to waste, two hours later I was on the train to Horsens to visit my old friends from the university 🙂

Spent another great weekend with them, but it was time to go back to real life, which I also love and enjoy! Suck on that haters 😀

Started a new job on 1. February. Working as a backend developer at Momondo. Still, getting into the rhythm of the company, I manage to do my job well and not miss on the other parts of my life and hobbies. Meditaion, gym (already 3 times a week – that’s happening!!! ), yoga in the mornings sometimes, playing the guitar, and spending quality time with friends! After I got my Kindle I started reading more – which was my intention, exactly! I need to buy some new hardware to continue working on my side projects, because my current one is getting really outdated.

I’m kind of trying to start playing more and assembling some kind of a band. There is a friend of mine that really likes to sing (and can of course!), my colleague – sir Spiros and recently I met a guy that also likes to play + he can manage the drums. We just need a place to rehearse. I have an idea, but it needs time.

I would like to improve my Danish, at least start a course – there go at least 6 hours a week.

And a course in meditation and yoga, a regular one, would be fantastic. If I start adding up the hours, I might have to stop sleeping. Sleep is for suckers!

There are many more things that I would like to do/get/do/do/do and improve. That’s just normal and what keeps me going every freakin day 🙂

I got a few (flight) tickets so far. One is for my trip to Bulgaria for my sister’s graduation around 22. May and 28. May! The other is from 10. July to 15. July, when I’m going to Balaton Sound Festival in Zamardi, Hungary with Stefan. Stefan, if you are reading this – we are going to GO BANANAS there!

In Copenhagen right now is Winter-Spring-“Summer” season, so weather is funky every day. April is almost half way and it was snowing not too long ago. Today was 20C.

Global warming or freezing doesn’t matter – we are gonna have a good time 🙂

PS: Here’s a photo of my awesome Kindle, lying in my uncle’s garden. Meditating and reading about “The Power of Now“. Awesome book btw!

Aw, yeah, since I’m at it, there’s my new business card 🙂

That’s reaaaaaaally “the-long-story-short” version of it all, right there 😀

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