
The new Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala Beta

I think everybody who is a fan like me of Ubuntu knows that Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala comes in two weeks 🙂

I just couldn’t resist and download the beta version.
Till now I was stuck with the old 8.04 because of my old MSI vr610. I just could make it work on that version. I had a lot of problems with video drivers and sound and wireless. Even on jaunty it was insanely bad because of the version of drivers.


Ubuntu Karmic Koala just works! And I can say this as a person that is this beta testing!

This ubuntu found the drivers of my old video card ( ATI Radeon x1200 ) . Which was impossible to make them work intrepid or jaunty.

Just work of course, it is using somehow. I still haven’t found out how exactly is it working. I mean does it use ALSA or PulseAudio. but according to skype I think it will be pulseaudio. But this time it is configured and I don’t have to use command lines to make it work or configure any pulseaudio sound servers.

Flawless. I didn’t have any , any problems with it.

Additional stuff:
I really like the new Ubuntu Software Center. It is really easy to find software you need. So you might like it as well.
I like the Ubuntu One. But just the idea is good. You can’t use it on different platforms and for now it sucks really. So i’m not using it.

I personally use Dropbox and it is really good!
you might want to give it a try: HERE!

Let’s not forget the really fast boot up and shut down that is being improved with every new version.

hmm what else.
Oh yeah it uses the new ext4 file system and of course I use it now.
Another cool thing i did this time, that I’ve never did, was to use my big fat partition ( D: ) 😛 to mout in /home and i’ve never been happier.
No windows can do that and it will never be done in such a nice way.

Now the bad stuff comes from windows – i can’t use the ext4 on window 7. I made it work with ext3 but now.. there is just no way I think. I used this link to help me do it

I will keep you posted on what’s new with Ubuntu Karmic Koala Beta 🙂

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