
Tuck me in when September ends

The Septemba’ I’m going to rememba’.

Not because of the actual happenings on the outside, like a bike breaking down or a smoothie being too sour. What happened on the inside what much stronger and memorable. September is a month in transition. It’s slowly getting you from the warm/hot/energized summer (depending on the geographical position, but let’s take northern hemisphere as example) to the opposite side of that. Preparation for winter. The two energies of summer and winter are beautifully mixed in a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows. Earth is changing and so should we.

I’ve had very strange days during this period of time. Sleepless nights, very tired during the day, very energized days and ready to take on the whole world. But most of all it’s been a month of anticipation. The feeling that something is coming, something is about to happen. You are 100% alert, waiting. Always trying to do something around the house, fix something, buy some warm clothes. Anything like that. And that is a very primal instinct I believe, that is something we all have, as children of this planet. It’s how we survived all this time as species here. When the cold wind blows, you need to be ready.

Survival is much easier these days, but the strong feeling from inside is not that easy to avoid. So we still need to harvest it and do something with it. And that’s what I’ve been trying to do. Harvest my crops.

With all the activities I’ve been involved in, I can really say it’s exactly what I’ve been doing. The whole point of the harvest is to be ready for what winter will bring. And since I don’t have actual crops, I’ve been preparing myself. Working on myself.

It’s also been a month of cleaning. Physically and mentally. To be able to fight a new battle you have to let go of the old ones.

Sold some of my gadgets that I don’t use, still need to pack a lot of my clothes and donate), cleaning up in any physical sense that you can think of. Rearranging and putting things i place so you know where they are when you need them etc, etc.

Letting go of meaningless facts, attached to emotions. It’s like untying a knot. You have to find the the right spot where only a small push will release the whole knot. Meditating, doing yoga, running, even going to the gym (for the sake of diversity) was really helping out. It’s very important not to get stuck in your head. You have to move on.

Opening up space in my mind helped me focus on planning. Daydreaming if you will, about what I want to do next. Short term planning with the vision for the further future. Everything based on the now. And short term, so I can focus on executing my plan rather than waiting. Never wait.

I don’t feel like talking about facts in this post, because it’s pointless. Maybe twitter is for facts. Ha, now that I’m speaking of Internet stuff: Decided to let go of Facebook and be more active on a platform that doesn’t leave so much clutter and useless facts lying around on the Interwebs, and potentially your mind.


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Now that it is October, I feel much more calmed down and relaxed in my mind. Weather is also helping for that, but in general things are a tad easier now. Now also going to sleep is easier. And that’s why I put the title of this post first, knowing I’m here to make my point:

“Thank you September, it’s time for October”.

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