A short story of a human typing what comes to mind before going to bed.
Category: Blog
Yes, that’s probably most of it. All the thoughts, events, vacation, solutions, problems, todo lists. Sweet and sour.
A fearful human being honest with himself and the world.
What am I doing?
A human realization about when to hit the pause on emotional response.
Being afraid is scary
A human that found the time to do nothing – found himself again.
Дръжте се идвам!
Думи и размисли на един нормален човек, който има много и иска още повече!
About every (to)day
Only change is permanent. All that has a beginning has an end. What has been, cannot be. Every (to)day ends and another one comes. Choices bind yesterday to now. The beginning is the birth of choice and the end is its death. There’s a lifetime of outcomes. Seen or unseen by the external, the outcomes […]
Шофьор на автобус
Да срещнеш изнервен шофьор на автобус е като да се сблъскаш с едно ранено бито животно на улицата. А какво правим с такива? Едно куче, което е било малтретирано и държано гладно в продължение на много време се озлобява. Е да, ако има останала силичка да се озлобява. Но със сигурност няма да тръдне да […]
София. Столицата на държавата, в която съм роден. Тва няма нищо общо. Ще ми се да напиша нещо интересно. но музата не тече. И това е ОК; отдавна не съм писал. Седя си на терасата и слушам звуците на града. По определение е шум, защото са много звуци и неясни. Но ако се вслушаш в […]
Tuck me in when September ends
The Septemba’ I’m going to rememba’. Not because of the actual happenings on the outside, like a bike breaking down or a smoothie being too sour. What happened on the inside what much stronger and memorable. September is a month in transition. It’s slowly getting you from the warm/hot/energized summer (depending on the geographical position, but […]
Sunday – time to reevaluate!
Another week has passed and it’s just anoter week that had it all. Ups and downs, lefts and rights. The post I wrote some time ago about Focus, happened to be written on one of the Ups, during the week. However, keeping that in order and following my routine is in fact very hard. I believe […]