Yesterday I got a trojan from a file a downloaded from the Internet. I knew the possibility of this file being infected, but I had to risk it because I really needed this one thing to work. After I executed the exe file I just knew something wrong happened, because it deleted itself 🙂 So, […]
Category: Tech
Another laptop crash
I still can’t believe it I am using the same laptop for such a long time. I started to like it more and more every time I fix it. Things sometimes just go wrong with it 🙂 Laptop repaired parts and problems: 2 hinges broken – 1 fixed. The other one is so loose, the […]
New changes coming on
I updated parts of my website. The Home page now looks more interactive, having live feed from the blog. Follow me on Twitter link to the navigation was just a necessity because I want people have a better contact with me. The Work section will still be mainly Software and Music (for now), but I […]
New Laptop!
Dear friends, friends of friends and other good people out there, My current 3 years old laptop broke and I don’t have enough money to buy a new one. I need a new laptop for my studies :S I really need something to continue working on my projects. Now I have the opportunity to ask […]
Looking for a new laptop
I’m looking for a new laptop now. My old MSI is still working fine, but its falling apart, literally! Now I am really looking for something that will bring me joy both visually (nice design) and not visually (hardware inside). I know that everybody is looking for that. I know also that most people want […]
New phone: HTC Desire
Finally tonight I get to write about my new cool phone. I bought an HTC Desire back in July, but two months later i get to write about it because… I don’t know, I didn’t have the spare time to start this post. I bought the phone with Android 2.1 and now it has two […]
Recently I upgraded to the Ubuntu Lucid Lynx Beta 1 and then Beta 2 distribution. As you probably know I like to make “post installation scripts” for installing software and configuring the system automatically after a clean install. I have those scripts for Karmic Koala right here: “Ubuntu Karmic Post Installation Scripts” I found another […]
Ok… I was trying to make my computer work these days ( very good ) and leave it like that because a new semester starts. It actually started today – 15 Feb 2010. And you know what happened? I went there in the first class and my Ubuntu Karmic just couldn’t stop freezing and after […]
If you install the game with wine you will have some nice shortcuts on the desktop. I’m using an already installed version so I start the game with that command: wine hl.exe -game cstrike But the reason for the post is the problem with the sound. The fix that I apply and Counter Strike 1.6 […]
Ubuntu Karmic Post Install Scripts
Some time ago I started building a script that will help me and guide me through all the customization and configuring after reinstalling my laptop. I edited the scripts from the last time with new repositories and new packages. I split the script into different files so I can perform different tasks in different time […]