Short Stories

Recipe for happiness

Good morning everyone this is me – Crazy and you are listening to radio CrazyTalk FM 66.66Mhz. “The world is crazy – so are you!” Today’s topic is “Is there a recipe for happiness, or in other words what do frogs like to take for their hangovers?”. Oh, we have our first listener on the […]


Ordinary extraordinariness continues after 20 cycles

Twasn’t a normal day for me. I felt like something had to happen but it didn’t… It’s like there was something in the air, that made my mood so strange today… so tense, uncomfortable and unpleasant. It was an ordinary day, though. But I didn’t feel ordinary. It was like I had to feel extraordinary, […]

Short Stories

Заключения насън

Стоял човекът и си мислел: “По дяволите накъде?” И друг път си задавал човекът този въпрос. Много пъти разсъждавал, обмислял, преценял и винаги се случвало обратното на това, което в крайна сметка решавал. Стои си човекът в парка с физиономия дълбоко мрачна и умислена, тревожна. Не знае накъде да замине, на къде в парка да […]


I am sorry.

These days I’m doin some stupid stuff that I regret for. You may ask why am I doing this? Answer: I DON’T KNOW. I believe this is just a side effect, if not I need some help. I particularly insulted a friend that was totally irrelevant. I’m still thinking what may caused that attitude… I […]


Link: What to do after fresh install of Ubuntu Lucid

Recently I upgraded to the Ubuntu Lucid Lynx Beta 1 and then Beta 2 distribution. As you probably know I like to make “post installation scripts” for installing software and configuring the system automatically after a clean install. I have those scripts for Karmic Koala right here: “Ubuntu Karmic Post Installation Scripts” I found another […]


I would call it a breakthrough!

For a year I think I changed a lot. I changed in a way to be senseless. Looking back and remembering all the things that happened… just make me think that EITHER I’m not in love anymore OR I’ve just grew up as a senseless bastard. By senseless I think I mean emotionless. (think) But […]


Hard disk problem with linux and windows [SOLVED]

Ok… I was trying to make my computer work these days ( very good ) and leave it like that because a new semester starts. It actually started today – 15 Feb 2010. And you know what happened? I went there in the first class and my Ubuntu Karmic just couldn’t stop freezing and after […]


Counter Strike 1.6 working on Ubuntu with wine

If you install the game with wine you will have some nice shortcuts on the desktop. I’m using an already installed version so I start the game with that command: wine hl.exe -game cstrike But the reason for the post is the problem with the sound. The fix that I apply and Counter Strike 1.6 […]


Ubuntu Karmic Post Install Scripts

Some time ago I started building a script that will help me and guide me through all the customization and configuring after reinstalling my laptop. I edited the scripts from the last time with new repositories and new packages. I split the script into different files so I can perform different tasks in different time […]


Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) Java, Flash on Chrome + “weird sound” fix

Last night I decided to backup my harddrive and just reinstall the OS. There were some bugs and I found the fixes, so I installed a clean copy and applied them 🙂 I also wanted to get rid of my windows partition (Windows 7) and all the ntfs partitions and partition table problems and GRUB […]