
Яйца по арабски или в оригинал: Шакшука

Прибирам се аз от работа и тоя нашия Любчо изскача с брилятната да идея за домати с яйца – що не. Нужните продукти: Яко лук Яко чесън Чушки – да има. зелени, червени, жълти, пембяни – квито има Още повече нарязани домати от консерва или на чист датски: Хакани домати Яйца – ъъъ мн ясно […]


Sunday – time to reevaluate!

Another week has passed and it’s just anoter week that had it all. Ups and downs, lefts and rights. The post I wrote some time ago about Focus, happened to be written on one of the Ups, during the week. However, keeping that in order and following my routine is in fact very hard. I believe […]


Не само петък заслужава коментар

В момента гледам сериала 100те. Вече трета серия! Прекалявам малко, ама то му убаво бе. Успях да се възспра да поръчам пица за вечеря, макар и да се прибрах доста гладен! Колкото повече избирах пицата, толкова повече огладнявах – толкова повече знаех, че трябва да спра! Нещо страшно – ад под небето! Ако успееш да […]


All I need is focus

Finding What I want This is the easiest. I want it all and it has to be now! Perfect, right? There are many exciting things out there that I want to do: climbing, bungee jumping, yoga, taking tango lessons, learning a martial art or working on your own software projects. Travel the whole world. Meet amazing […]



London has left me with many good memories of work and party. However, I seem to have gotten so caught up in action, that a few hours of sleep per day was merely enough for my body to recover. It’s been 3 days and I am staying at home, sneezing, coughing and trying to treat […]


That Long Tuesday

So long, I don’t even have time to write it all. But I will summarize. Did Ashtanga , the whole primary series! Hell yeah, 6am, bruh! Skipped a few vinyasa. 😛 A ton of work was done at the office. Talked to lawyers. Saw Tower of Power live. Had an awesome time drinking wine by […]

Blog Health

A mix of cranky and not-so-bad with ice

The Cranky Seriously, for the past few weeks I had only a few good mornings where I would wake up and not feel like I’ve been hit by a train. Even Sunday morning I felt like I was digging wholes all night, with the only exception that perhaps the hard soil this time was maybe […]


The second weekend day

Woke up with a “Fuck yeah, today I am getting shit done!” Starting the day with a cup of black coffee and refreshing Top of Rock playlist by Spotify, I managed to do quite a lot today! I finally regained my powers and will to execute and get things done! Cleaning around the house was one of the first […]


I knew better, but I did it anyway

I find myself doing things that I don’t consider good for myself and my body, but somehow I end up doing them anyway. I also know that if done in moderation – it’s ok. And yes, I’m talking about food and drinks. Well, it is already in a much healthier proportion and I feel much better, but why […]


Something every day

Ok, no time to go deep into a post. I promised myself that I will write every day – so here’s the post for today. When I find time I will explain more about why. Today’s list of stuff Went to work Bought present for the Christmas game at work Did 45min Ashtanga Yoga Made […]