Думи и размисли на един нормален човек, който има много и иска още повече!
Tag: dreams
About every (to)day
Only change is permanent. All that has a beginning has an end. What has been, cannot be. Every (to)day ends and another one comes. Choices bind yesterday to now. The beginning is the birth of choice and the end is its death. There’s a lifetime of outcomes. Seen or unseen by the external, the outcomes […]
I knew better, but I did it anyway
I find myself doing things that I don’t consider good for myself and my body, but somehow I end up doing them anyway. I also know that if done in moderation – it’s ok. And yes, I’m talking about food and drinks. Well, it is already in a much healthier proportion and I feel much better, but why […]
Twasn’t a normal day for me. I felt like something had to happen but it didn’t… It’s like there was something in the air, that made my mood so strange today… so tense, uncomfortable and unpleasant. It was an ordinary day, though. But I didn’t feel ordinary. It was like I had to feel extraordinary, […]
Losing senses…
I’m just recovering from such a bad illness… It was insane throughout the past week. I’m still not feeling fully recovered but at least I feel a bit better. Today me and my colleagues went for a trip to IBM, Århus. We were with our teacher in SDJI3. I won’t go into details about the […]
Май намерих нещо…
Списък с мечти Номер 1
Виждам себе си след 1 година: 1. Учещ в реномирано учебно заведение и нямащ никакви проблеми с пари, коли, жени и дори излишни средства за развлечение. 2. Щастлив от живота си, аз си намирам добра и високо-дохдна работа, която работя с голямо удоволствие и пътувам из целия свят. Това ще се случи, независимо кога и […]
Ново Начало
Искам да започна първо с това как бих искал сам да отговарям за живота си и да става това, което си пожелая, защото няма нищо по-хубаво от това. Мисля си, че за да постигна такова вътрешно удовлетворение е нужно да изпиша всички свои желания и мечти, за да знам какво точно искам и как би […]